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Rhine Valley Closure, 9-31 August 2024

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Update 04.07.2024

Customer information: Rhine Valley Closure in Germany leads to delivery restrictions during the month of August 2024 – Alternative Transport Options

From August 9 to 31, 2024, the Rhine Valley closure will cause a temporary disruption of the railway lines between Rastatt and Baden-Baden. This closure will lead to significant delivery restrictions and delays in freight traffic between the ports of Northern Europe, particularly Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg, and Switzerland.

During this time, affected freight trains will be rerouted via Stuttgart and Singen, which will considerably extend the travel time and lead to a rail infrastructure surcharge of approximate EUR 50.00 per TEU plus potential demurrage & detention costs caused by rail congestion. To ensure that DSV can still offer you reliable and efficient transport solutions, we have proactively arranged additional capacities for alternative transport solutions.

Alternative Transport solutions:

1. Rhine Waterway: We offer additional capacities for transporting your goods via the Rhine waterway. This alternative provides a reliable and predictable transport option during the railway closure. 
2. Rail transport via Luxembourg and France: In addition to the route via Rhine River, we have capacity that we can offer you on an alternative rail track via Luxembourg and France. 
3. Alternative routing via the Mediterranean: This alternative offers another reliable transport route for your goods during this period via Mediterranean container ports. 
4. Road Transport: In addition to rail and water routes, we have expanded our capacities in road transport to provide you with flexible and fast delivery of your goods (Dry and Reefer Container). 

Please note that a technical delay of up to one week can be expected during construction. For current developments and further information, please regularly visit this page.

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this challenging time. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible service despite the restrictions. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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