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DSV’s newest air charter network route - the Globetrotter

Accommodate your need for global air freight.

Air Charter Network
DSV is always working to continually provide more direct, reliable avenues of transportation for customers. In the current market, the best way to do this is by expanding our Air Charter Network offerings and hereby providing more flexibility to your company.

See the Globetrotter route and its flight schedule below.

Globetrotter routings

Globetrotter routings

Globetrotter flight schedule

Port-Pair Day Dept D-Time (Local) D-Time (UTC) Arrival A-Time (Local) A-Time (UTC)
LGG-ISL 2 LGG 04:30 02:30 ISL 08:30 05:30
ISL-CGO 2 ISL 10:30 07:30 CGO 03:00 19:00
CGO-ISL 2-3 CGO 06:00 22:00 ISL 14:10 11:10
ISL-LGG 3 ISL 16:10 13:10 LGG 18:25 16:25
LGG-VCP 3-4 LGG 22:25 20:25 VCP 08:40 11:40
VCP-LGG 4-5 VCP 11:40 14:40 LGG 07:50 05:50
LGG-ISL 5 LGG 10:40 08:40 ISL 14:55 11:55
ISL-PVG 5-6 ISL 17:00 14:00 LGG 09:50 01:50
PVG-ISL 6 PVG 12:50 04:50 RFD 20:40 17:40
ISL-LGG 6 ISL 22:40 19:40 LGG 00:55 22:55
7 LGG 02:55 00:55 RFD 04:55 09:55
RFD-LGG 7 RFD 07:55 12:55 LGG 22:50 20:50


Click to know other air charter routings in China

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