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Additional Exclusions Extended on Some Tranche 1 Goods: Section 301 News

The USTR recently announced a new extension for some exclusions of List 1 of Section 301.

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The United States Trade Representative recently announced an extension on some exclusions to Tranche 1 of the Section 301 duties on goods from China.

The extension will only be effective from October 2 through December 31 of this year and will notated with 9903.88.60.

HTS for the extended tariffs are: 

• 9030.90.4600
• Chemically etched dies of steel, steel-rule cutting dies, movable magnetic dies, embossing folders and plastic embossing diffusers, of a kind used in manually-powered roller machines for etching or stenciling a single sheet of cardstock, paper, leather, flexible magnet, plastics, metallic foil, vellum, felt or fabric, such sheets measuring not more than 50.8 cm in width or length (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
• Operator riding self-propelled aerial work platforms of a kind described in statistical note 1 to chapter 84 effective July 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019, or in statistical
• note 2 to chapter 84 effective January 1, 2020, powered by an electric motor, with a load capacity not exceeding 1,400 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8010 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8020 effective July 1, 2019)
• Cement retainer assemblies with diameter of 4.5 cm or more but not exceeding 51 cm and length of 30.5 cm or more but not exceeding 72 cm, composed of cylindrical cast iron components, nitrile rubber seal and brass back-up rings, suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of subheadings 8430.41 or 8430.49 (described in statistical reporting number 8431.43.8060)
• Extrusion machines for processing rubber, twin-screw type, designed to produce inner liners for tires (described in statistical reporting number 8477.20.0015)
• Safety valves, of brass or bronze, containing a fusible element to automatically close the valve at a set temperature, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8481.40.0000)
• DC electric motors, of an output of less than 18.65 W, other than brushless, measuring less than 38 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4060)
• DC motors, electronically commutated, three-phase, eight-pole of a kind used in HVAC systems, of an output of 750 W, valued not over $100 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.6000)
• Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)”

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