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US CBP Deployed Enhanced Post Summary Correction Functionality

US Customs and Border Protection deployed an enhanced Post Summary Correction functionality and a new weekly liquidation cycle.

Empire state building
On November 5, 2020, US Customs and Border Protection publicized new enhancements for entries that have a Post Summary Correction (PSC) filed.

When US CBP disagrees with the PSC submission, they are now able to revert the PSC back to the last accepted version of the entry, after which the filer will be notified.

Once the PSC is reviewed by US CBP, it will be set for a weekly liquidation cycle unless a prior extension has been granted.

Extensions may be granted so that an importer can take advantage of multiple PSCs for trade remedy exclusions. The weekly liquidation cycle moves up the 180-day timeframe importers currently have to make amendments to an entry summary.

These updates will be reflected in the next version of the External ACE Entry Summary Business Rules and Process Document.

If you have any questions regarding PSCs or the liquidation timeframe update, reach out to your local DSV Customs and Compliance representative.

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