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Port of Philadelphia Suspends Vessel Service to Clear Backlog

Vessels are still being accepted, but the port is focused on the container backlog in the yard before unloading newly arriving ships.

port of philadelphia

The Port of Philadelphia announced that its main container terminal, the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal, will cease vessel unloading through the rest of the week. Vessels are still being accepted, but the port is focused on the container backlog in the yard before unloading newly arriving ships.

There are a large number of “long-dwelling containers” at the terminal, three times the number of containers it was designed to handle, and suspending operations for three days will allow workers to clear the containers out of the yard.

“The decision to delay vessels is not a decision that has been taken lightly,” Operator Greenwich Terminals said in a notice. “However, with the current state of the port operations as a whole, we feel that this will be the best way that we can help the trade community.”

PhilaPort’s Tioga Marine Terminal has not reported similar problems with container backlogs.

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