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Peak retail discount sales create logistics pressures

DSV puts resources and processes in place to meet demand spikes

Peak season

“Shopping discount days”, peak holiday gift-buying and a growth in online retail trading are creating all sorts of pressures to deliver goods on time to consumers at multiple locations – and there are lessons all round to make a smoother transactional experience in the future.

We are working hard to put the right resources and processes in place at the right times, along with our retail customers, to make sure consumers have a hassle-free buying experience. Staff resources need to be carefully allocated, IT systems must be robust enough to handle the extra traffic, stock levels must be aligned to advertising commitments, effective communication processes must be in place to deal with queries and complaints, and there needs to be strong visibility of supply chains. Most importantly, there must be a strong focus on inventory – and speed to market.

Alyda Le Hane, senior supply chain advisor in DSV, says traditional supply chain models are not effective where high volumes need to move at high speed.


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