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Transporting essential goods on Day 1 of COVID-19 lockdown!

DSV’s plans come together to keep supply chains moving

We are successfully moving essential goods around the country in line with government requirements to keep South Africans stocked with food, medical products and other essential supplies as the COVID-19 lockdown takes effect.

We have the correct permits and have provided original company stamped letters to all essential employees. Our drivers have the correct documentation on hand when required by law enforcement officers at the many roadblocks at intersections and offramps.

Our processes and plans are succeeding in keeping supply chains flowing on Day 1 of the lockdown. Traffic volumes are markedly lower on the main routes, suggesting a reasonable level of compliance with the “essential goods” rule.

Our employees who are working have the correct DSV certificates and for the most part, travelled to work using their usual means of transport. Taxis were mostly compliant with no more than 4 people per taxi at a time, ensuring minimum health risks are taken.

While we are pleased with the way Day 1 is going, we remain alert to challenges which may yet emerge and will respond quickly and effectively should the need arise.

We are committed to delivering your products to your customers, wherever they are. Contact our experts today and let us help you transport your essential goods and services.

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