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Future proofing supply chains in a post-Covid19 world - Webinar

Supply chain reaction: reimagining business

Future proofing supply chains in a post-Covid19 World Webinar

A “Black Swan” named Covid-19 caught the world by surprise at the beginning of this year – and played havoc with supply chains. In the last of our three part webinar series on “Supply chain reaction: reimaging business after Covid19”, Mungo Park took stock of the consequences – some of which are still emerging – from the pandemic and the lockdown.

He also briefly revisited the first two webinars. In the first we discussed supply chain strategy, and contrasted the one-size-fits-all approach with our preferred segmented approach. In the second we assessed the various mechanisms available to optimally execute and measure your supply chain. In the final webinar, Mungo discussed just how customer needs have become even more important than before, and explored what businesses and supply chains could do to build future resilience and become shock proof.


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