Maintaining adequate stock levels of life-saving pharmaceutical products is non-negotiable
With 57 000 SKU locations and 21 300 unique items, taking into account batches and expiry dates is a complex yet crucial part of inventory planning.
With a national distribution footprint managing inventory across the network is challenging
Supply chain coordination and inventory replenishment planning is an operational necessity with a customer base of 42 pharmaceutical companies, 7 distribution centres and thousands of customers.
Benefits for the customer
• A detailed ongoing DSV IO Service, taking into account product batch and expiry, customer service levels and supply chain costs.
• By improving replenishment planning average regional availability improved by 13% to 98%.
• By supporting customer service levels revenue growth of 20% was realised within the first year of the service.
• With better inventory optimisation excess stock was reduced by 57% at regional DC’s, as well as reducing customer special requests from 50 to only 10 per week.
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