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Panalpina reports on sustainability progress during 2015

During 2015, Panalpina continued its commitment to reducing its environmental impact, with a focus on greenhouse gas emissions. At the UN Climate Talks in Paris held in December 2015, it was announced that Panalpina was one of over 100 international companies and the only logistics company so far to commit to set reduction targets as part of the Science Based Targets Initiative.

Panalpina has published its 2015 Corporate Sustainability Report, highlighting its approach to sustainability and corporate responsibility and the actions it took during 2015 to provide sustainable value for all stakeholders.

The report explores the methods Panalpina used in 2015 to engage with its stakeholders and to assess its impacts on the environment and the communities where it operates. Prepared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines, the report demonstrates Panalpina’s comprehensive approach to analyzing its activities and impacts and evaluating how sustainability relates to its strategy.

“Panalpina’s corporate sustainability programs and reporting are continuously evolving to meet the expectations of our stakeholders and to reflect our increased understanding of where our impacts and opportunities are greatest,” says Lindsay Zingg, global head of quality, health, safety and environment at Panalpina.

During 2015, Panalpina continued its commitment to reducing its environmental impact, with a focus on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. At the UN Climate Talks in Paris held in December 2015, it was announced that Panalpina was one of over 100 international companies and the only logistics company so far to commit to set reduction targets as part of the Science Based Targets Initiative.

Panalpina’s customers increasingly expect the company to address its environmental impacts and take clear steps to reduce them. Karl Weyeneth, Panalpina’s chief commercial officer, says: “Many of our customers want to have data on the environmental impacts of our services, and require us to include sustainability and environmental topics in the tender process.”

Highlights from the 2015 report include:

  • Panalpina received its highest score to date in the Carbon Disclosure Project supply chain program, with 94 points out of 100
  • CO2 emissions decreased by 4% from 2014 levels
  • Employees organized over 500 charitable and environmental activities during the 2015 Global Sustainable Action Day
  • Paper usage decreased by 16%, water by 11% and electricity by 5%

Panalpina’s 2015 Corporate Sustainability Report is available as a PDF.