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Newport Cargo now legally merged with Panalpina

Effective today, Newport Cargo has legally merged with Panalpina. The acquisition was completed in August 2018 and it has added tremendous value to Panalpina’s Perishables Network in expertise, customer base and business development.

Effective today, Newport Cargo has legally merged with Panalpina. The acquisition was completed in August 2018 and it has added tremendous value to Panalpina’s Perishables Network in expertise, customer base and business development.

“I’m very proud of the integration plan and project team,” says Laurent Riesen, Panalpina’s country managing director for Argentina and Uruguay. “They set ambitious deadlines and met them even for critical topics such as legal requirements, system and connectivity continuity. The most telling outcome of this transition and how effectively it was handled is that we retained all of our business during the transition.”

Some other key achievements of the transition include:

  • New office set up to ensure integration and potential synergies both in the Buenos Aires downtown office and airport office
  • Miami Perishables LATAM Gateway set up in Panalpina’s network
  • Strengthened business development in Chile and improved cross-selling for dry cargo throughout the network

“I am honored to have been part of this outstanding integration and merger process. It would not have been possible without all the local and regional teams who supported the effort,” says Riesen.

Frank Hercksen, Panalpina’s regional CEO for the Americas, comments, “As we embark on another perishables acquisition and merger in LATAM, I hope the achievements of the teams in Argentina can serve as inspiration for our teams in Colombia and Ecuador.”