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You can make a difference!

Do you want to make a difference for our customers and make it safe, simple and efficient to be a customer at DSV? And do you want to be part of a team where we have a common focus on development and team spirit on a daily basis?

At DSV, you are part of a team of helpful colleagues, and you enter a company that is constantly growing and where you get the opportunity to follow developments. At DSV, we gather the most talented employees, so that our customers can always expect the highest quality. As a Sea freight forwarder, you are part of a committed team. From the office in Vilnius, we help both large and small customers with transport of their goods. Everyday life is characterized by the desire to always deliver Lithuania’s best Sea freight product to our customers.

Your main task will be to handle shipments within Sea freight with a focus on a high level of service, and you will get in touch with both customers and partners all over the world. You follow the shipment all the way, which means that you do everything from booking with shipping companies and hauliers as well as arranging deliveries to managing the finances and ensuring that we invoice correctly.

You are an initiative Sea freight forwarder with a few years of experience

As a colleague, you are business oriented and have lots of drive. Independence is one of your most important competencies, and a winning mentality is a must.

  • You are a trained Sea freight forwarder.
  • You speak and write English and Lithuanian.
  • You are efficient, service-minded and thrive on a hectic everyday life.
  • You are detail oriented.
  • You are driven by will, commitment and pro-activity.

Would you want to join the team in our office located in Vilnius?


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